Selasa, 20 September 2011


Well today was flat....  As I mentioned a couple of times last week it seems the shorter cycles are dominant (for the time being).  That continues - Friday's early  S&P 1220 level to today's top (around 1220) was the top-to-top of a 2.8TD cycle I believe.

Trying to figure the best way to show the positioning of these cycles on a chart.  So the 2.8TD cycle is now down.  I believe the 11.2TD cycle and 5.6TD cycles topped Friday morning.  The 11.2TD cycle is down while the 5.6TD cycle has bottomed (or is near a bottom) and is turning up.  With this alignment tomorrow should be down.  Given recent volatility that could be 15-25 points on the S&P.

Here is the SPX showing these short swing cycles:

GL traders....  all is a bit confusing currently - maybe we get a clearer picture soon.

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