Not exactly what I expected for today. Looked OK until around 1 pm when the 2.8TD cycle bottomed - then the bounce off that bottom was a lot stronger than I had anticipated. With the close near unchanged I suspect that the 2.8TD cycle is now spent to the upside....
So for tomorrow we have the 22TD, 11.2TD, and 5.6TD cycles are down. The 2.8TD cycle tops, but I suspect is spent. In addition to that the 20 week (Wall) cycle is down and the 1 year is hard down. So I expect tomorrow could be one of those hard down type days (1% + down on the S&P - test the 1159 FIB and possibly break below it?).
Here is the SPY chart:
GL traders. BEAR CROSSING ahead - drive carefully. Do your own analysis.
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