Senin, 11 April 2011

update projections 04-11-2011

I have updated projections including the effect of the 1 year and 2 year cycles into those projections.  It appears into the first week of May we should be dow about 50-60 points  (1270 range) and turn up for most of May.  The rally in May will be rather tepid - probably to around 1295-1300. 

After that the next significant  bottom should be the first week of August with a bottom of around 1140.  During the remainder of the year (Aug-Dec) the 2 year cycle down and the 1 year cycle up largely offset.  So I expect the market to be flattish to down from Aug-Dec as there are other longer cycles that should be pushing it down. 

Here is the visual:

GL traders.  Hope this longer term outlook helps....  Do your own analysis.

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