Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

energy watch 03-04

If you were on a desert island and all you had to look at was a chart of ag index prices ( https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgyfYTlUshoFjDeg4p5gJNuJdLcHhSOe19d-LxgvHStaHYEzCCT1DG5BiXHH9J68AmEMvvW1_6UNyegDiB63OXUT4I7YlLqmntioWM6A5wC9rBmy_uQhQQFqs89CNyFxagKRInW9NAwnGjW/s1600/0303rja.PNG  ) and energy you might guess there was inflation.  Of course, we know that is not true - the government tells us so.

What we do know is there has been inflation of these indexes.  Of course it appears we may be in for a temporary reprieve and get a short term pullback in these.  Take a look at energy:

Gl traders.  Do your own analysis.

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