Rabu, 24 November 2010

I am thankful to the people who helped make this blog better

You have offered suggestions for some stocks to analyze and offered feedback.  I am amazed at how well many of those picks have done.  I would suggest my readers/followers are better than most of the traders you encounter on the web.  I thank you for your suggestions as it makes me look like I know what  I am talking about.  You have been great.

Here are some stocks suggested by readers for analysis:  BUCY, CREE, CF.  All have done well or very well.   Also, I charted OIL for a reader interested in that commodity.  It has completed a complete cycle of buy, sell, buy which we documented.

So I am thankful for such well informed readers/traders and hope you will continue to help make this site relevant.   I encourage you to express  comments/opinions.

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