Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

Comments and outlook for 02-02

Okay, pushed higher than I thought it would,  Sold QID Monday AM as I indicated I intended to do.  Bought back QID trading shares today at $10.65 and was down at the close.  Should be able to sell sometime in the next 2 days profitably.  Also, unloaded some other stocks I had been holding for a while.  So I now hold a lot of cash (80%)   and short positions.  I need to find a long position to have more balance.

Took a look at the shorter cycles.  If right we push a little higher in the morning and top before noon as 2 cycles top together and pull back in the afternoon.  Here is the chart I viewed:

GL traders.  Do your own analysis please - do not act solely on my opinion - that is a good way to lose $s.

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